Sunday, October 13, 2013


It's finally autumn! So autumn began a few weeks ago, but you can't really tell here in Los Angeles because it's still pretty warm. It did rain for the first time this week since I've moved here, but the weather's still in the 70s, so not too autumn-y. I guess I shouldn't complain, as it is snowing in a lot of places already. Even though I haven't been able to see the beautiful shades of yellow, orange, and red as the leaves change colors, I do enjoy still being able to wear t-shirts and shorts. In this season of life (yes, that pun was intended), God has been revealing to me lots of wonderful things. He is teaching me to love the people and places that He loves. He's teaching me to learn to have a child-like faith and to wholeheartedly trust him without constantly questioning, "What's next?". Remember that "game" where you would close your eyes and have to lean back and trust that someone would catch you? I was never really great at that.

These verses remind me that stressing about things in the future is pointless, and I need to turn to God instead of worrying.

There I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?... Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.                                                  -Matthew 6:25-27, 34

A lot has been happening lately, as expected. The course load seems to be picking up and I feel like I'm always trying to catch up when it comes to the readings and assignments. I'm just starting the fundraising process and it feels pretty overwhelming how much I have to fundraise for the two years, but I need to trust that God will provide everything I need. A good friend reminded me the other day that if God has called me to do this, then there's no reason why He wouldn't provide financially for it.

I've also been able to experience lots of new things in the last month. Lots of firsts. Firsts are exciting, yes?

1. I went to a black megachurch a couple weeks ago for the first time! I really loved it as there was lots of lovely gospel music that was all throughout the service. People are really warm and friendly too. Getting greeted and hugged by people you've just met? Love it. Everyone wears pretty formal attire for church too. The men wear suits and the women wear dresses. Also, a number of the women wear really fancy, large hats.

2. I went to Thai Town for the first time this week where I got to eat delicious, authentic Thai food. The fact that I couldn't really understand anything that was listed on the menu was probably a good indicator of its authenticity. It's not settled that I'm going to Bangkok quite yet, so not sure if I should start getting attached to the deliciousness. I might not find out for several more weeks where exactly I'll going for the 19-20 months. I'm open to wherever though. God knows me better than I know myself.

A mural in the Arts District 
3. I took the bus for the first time in LA. I've also learned (for the most part) how to use the bus system here. Never really having to rely on public transportation for most of my life, I've learned the privilege and ease of getting around that come with having a car. You don't have to arrange your personal schedule based on the bus schedule. You get to have your own quiet, private bubble. You don't have to stand (as the bus does get crowded at times). But there are pros: avoid being frustrated while driving in LA traffic, not having to worry about paying attention on the road, more environmentally friendly, don't have to worry about parking, etc.

4. I've gone to a number of different districts in LA that I haven't been to before. The arts district has beautiful art and murals on the walls of buildings. The bank district has lots of cool, historic buildings that used to be banks, but now are used as office buildings or apartment buildings; the vaults are still in some buildings with the giant vault doors, which I think is pretty neat. The fashion district has stores that have tons of stuff. Fabric of all colors and textures, jewelry of all shapes and sizes, you name it.

5. I've been to Skid Row a couple of times. Skid Row is a homeless community in Los Angeles that is comprised of approximately 4-5,000 people who live on the streets in that particular neighborhood. There's lots of light there, but is also sided by darkness. I see Jesus in the community here as I see people looking out for one another, the kind hearts of people who have so little, people putting their trust in Christ as they look for opportunities to start a new life, and people who have figured out that they are not defined by what they have (or do not have). But in these same places, there's alcoholism, drug abuse, and despair. And then there's the questions that arise. What can I do as one individual? What are people's stories? How did this happen? I hope to learn some of the answers to these questions as I meet more residents of this community.

Skid Row Artists Festival in Gladys Park
My friend Cailah and I went to the Skid Row artists festival this weekend and the lady who was emceeing for the event said something really beautiful.

Skid Row is faith. Skid row is where you can go from nothing to something by walking by faith. For faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about the things that are not seen.

There are so many extremely talented people who live in Skid Row. Spoken word, singers, instrumentalists, dancers. Even though it was a non Christian event, I loved how almost every performer acknowledged that he/she wanted to give glory to God.

God is most certainly doing work. Sometimes in the places where you least expect it. 

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19

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